Our Services

Blue Iris is able to deliver a wide range of disability services to suit your needs. Find out more below.

Asset_Community Access

Community Access

We understand that life is also about having fun. We can support you in the community to ensure that you are participating in activities of your choice. This can be bowling, going to the movies, going out to lunch, swimming or simply just going for a walk or out shopping. Our qualified support workers can even pick you up and take you to your appointments as needed.

Asset_In Home Support

In Home Support

We understand that sometimes you may need a little or a lot of support at home. At Blue Iris we are here to help you in a way that is individualised to your needs. We listen to you and provide the support that you know that you need. After all, you know yourself and your needs better than anyone. ‍ We can assist you with all aspects of personal care, household tasks, meal preparation, budgeting and all at a time that suits you. ‍ Our goal is to help you to achieve your goals whilst supporting you to remain or become as independent as possible.
Asset_Community Nursing

Community Nursing

Our qualified nursing staff can provide the nursing care that you require in your home.
Asset_Supported Independent Living

Supported Independent Living

Supported Independent Living allows eligible participants to receive in home supports 24 hours 7 days per week. You will be supported to live as independently as possible whilst being involved in the day to day running of your home. We will also support you to be involved in your local community. Supported Independent Living can be provided in your own home or in one of our homes. Supports are individualised and we find out what is important to you and what your goals are.
Asset_Lawn And Yard Maintenance

Lawn and Yard Maintenance

Blue Iris understand that sometimes we all need a little help taking care of our lawns and gardens. We can assist you in these activities or we can offer a full service and take care of it for you.
Asset_Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing

We understand that the cost of living is high and not everyone is able to afford their own home. At Blue Iris Support Services we recognise the importance of people being able to live in their own home and the greater health benefits as well as independence that creates. We do not believe that finances should be a barrier to someone being able to live in a home and so we have developed a Subsidised Rental Scheme to help you. This scheme means that Blue Iris Support Services will subsidise the rent that you cannot afford. We sit down and talk to you about your needs.

Support Coordination

Our Support Coordinators will assist you to put your NDIS plan into action. We will assist you to identify and manage your support providers, including organising service agreements.

Service - Positive Behaviour Support

Positive Behaviour Support

Our experienced specialist staff work with clients, families, support workers, stakeholders, decision makers and our network of professionals in the mental health and disability sector to support people to live meaningful lives in their community.
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Get in touch with us!

If you would like to find out more about disability services, please leave your details below.

Reaching out for Quality Lifestyle support?

Please contact us today to discuss how we can help.